IAR is unavailable daily from 3:00AM to 4:00AM Eastern Time (ET) while standard system maintenance is performed. When more extensive maintenance is necessary, this maintenance window may be extended up to 7:00AM ET.

When non-standard scheduled system maintenance is required, IAR will be taken offline from 1:00AM to 7:00AM ET (typically planned to occur on Sunday and Thursday dates). Occasionally non-standard maintenance may be scheduled on other dates and times, but such planned outages are communicated in advance via the ARC Status Dashboard.

If you receive this message during a time not already listed on the ARC Status Dashboard, IAR is experiencing an unexpected system outage. We apologize for any inconvenience you may experience because of a system outage.

ARC Status Dashboard
To view the current status of ARC tools, as well as any upcoming planned maintenance, any active incidents and the resolution of incidents, please visit ARC's Status Dashboard at:

You can also subscribe to advanced email notification of upcoming ARC scheduled system maintenance and to real-time email alerts when any of ARC's systems encounter unexpected delays or outages. To register for these notifications, select Subscribe to Alerts or subscribe directly at: